Friday, January 29, 2016

Try again

So here I am again.  Trying the blogging thing.  I don't know why I stopped, but I did.  I do this often with journals as well.  It must just be what I need to do.  Lately I've been missing the outlet for my inside head thoughts so it's time to try again.  Cheers to my inside head thoughts.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Happy _________ Day/Week

There are so many wonderful things to celebrate today and this week.  Today is Earth Day, so a happy day to you my fellow earthlings.  Also this week is National Park Week, so may I encourage you to celebrate by journeying forth to one of our most wonderful National Parks.

In honor of these two events I give you some pictures of my favorite things from Earth and from the National Parks that mean so much to me.

Harpers Ferry on a glorious late summer day

Skunk Cabbage....I just love it so.
Thank you for the sunset.
Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River

I'm obsessed with both jewelweed and bees

Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Okay, signing off to go stand in a National Park on Earth Day.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Life and Death at Marsh Farm

Much anticipated Chicken Week has come to Marsh Farm.  On Tuesday our 9 little girls arrived via USPS, which totally cracks me up.   They really come in a box in the's amazing.   So 8 of them came looking wonderfully happy and adorable.  One little girl came not looking so well.  It was quite sad as she could not stand up and clearly was not doing well.  I spent the evening trying to perk her up with pediolyte, but it was not meant to be.  So yes, dear friends, I did a very unfarmery thing and totally cried right then and there.  I buried her and cried over her grave.....boy did I feel like a wuss but I just couldn't help it.  We also lost another one, but by that time I had hardened up a bit and was able to handle it like a big girl.  So now we have 7, what seem to be, happy, healthy little chicks occupying our utility room.  It has already been a wonderful roller coaster and I'm looking forward to have my very own flock.  Here is one picture of them on their first day with us.

Okay off to admire my flock....

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Lately I've been feeling a bit cranky....yes I said it...cranky.  Work is stressful at the moment and I will admit that I have been rolling around in the bitter barn (not to be confused with my own barn) about it and that tends to trickle into the rest of my life.  I'm not very good at sticking things in compartments.  So in an effort to combat the bitter barn and walk out of it, I'm trying to focus on the blessings in my life.  I truly am such a lucky person and I know that.  I generally have a life of much and great joy and I am surrounded by amazing people who love and care about me.  So that I may always have an easy list of things to remind me to stay out of the bitter barn, in no particular order here are just a few of these amazing blessings.

  • Susan-she loves me, makes me whole, and generally puts up with my shenanigans
  • Family-so many wonderful people that love and accept me as who I am
  • Friends-I just love them to pieces
  • Home-my amazing Marsh Farm that I feel so lucky to inhabit
  • Dreams-to follow
  • Comfort-I am able to live comfortably enough 
  • Animal friends-They are adorable and make me laugh all the time
  • Silliness-enough said
  • Crafting and Creating-such a great outlet for me
  • Gardening-gives me such a thrill 
I think I may add to this list now and then just to remind me that the blessings keep coming.
Off to think about this list.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Gardening, why do I love thee?

Let me count the ways.

So here it is my friends.  My new, lets take one more moment to look ......

Isn't it pur-dy!!! This is one of reasons we purchased this beautiful 2.72 acres.  It's so I could have a large garden, plant tons of plants, and do all those wonderful gardening things that I have dreamed of for such a long time.

I am starting with four 10 x 4 beds with room to grow more.  We got compost from the local landfill and topsoil from Lowes.  After a long debate of raised beds or directly in the ground I decided to go with beds because we don't own a tiller and the ground is quite rocky in our pastures.  I also just LOVE the look of raised beds.  Each little bed is a world of it's own.  Someday I will have adorable little paths in between and a beautiful fence around.  In the meantime though these make me extremely happy.  Because the winter has been crazy and I really didn't know what the beds would be until recently I haven't come up with a garden plan, but I'm crazy anxious to start.  So I went with the very unscientific way of planting...alphabetical order. These are my cooler weather crops so we'll see how it goes and what wonderful lessons this garden can teach me.  I'll update all summer with pictures since photographing my garden is one of my favorite things to do.

Okay signing off to go dream of seedlings.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Walkin' the dog

I promise to not constantly post about my dog because then this would be a blog about a dog, but I had a rather fabulous walk at Antietam National Battlefield with him the other day.  It was a rather nice day, well as nice as a day as we get right now.  It was in fact the first day of spring.  So we headed out on a trail near Burnside Bridge.  It was a great little trail that takes you down to Antietam Creek.  Max was so excited.  He really loves to walk.  So we walked and walked, taking in the almost spring like weather and we even saw some signs that perhaps spring is on its way.  We saw pink beauties and grape hyacinth.  Even some flowers I can't identify off the top of my head.  It was a great way to celebrate the first official day of spring and to truly enjoy being in Washington County (or as I like to call it WashCo).  I do love having this dog because I think of places in different ways.  Now I think about places I can go to take Max.  Places that he will love and be able to walk to his hearts content.  Well at least till I get tired of walking.  So here are a few pictures from our spring walk.  Enjoy.

Mac loves to look at the creek
One of my favorites, Spring Beauties

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Max to the Max

I have failed to mention that we have a new farm member.  His name is Max and he is part beagle and part jack russell.  I kind of love the way everyone's eyes bug out a little when we say that.  He is a hit with folks as he has the most adorable face (yup, I'm biased) and tamazing eyes that you don't see everyday on a dog.  He has been a handful but we are all learning (with the help of puppy school) and I have a lot of hope he will be a good farm/kayaking/chicken-loving/ all-around dog!